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Volume 4, Issue 25: Exclusive Photos: Gold of Ancient Ecuador!


  • The Lost Gold of Ancient Ecuador – J. Golden Barton
  • The Search of Leif Erickson’s Vindland – Rolf M. Nilsestuen
  • Inscribed Bone Puts Vikings in Utah – Frank Joseph
  • Is a Book About Arrowhead Hunting ‘Unethical’? – Derek J. Anderson
  • Traces in Time: The Jeffers Petroglyphs of Minnesota – David S. Bornus
  • The Overlooked Treasures of Prehistoric Wisconsin – Frank Joseph
  • Ancient Copper Mining in the Upper Great Lakes – D.J. Hoffman
  • The Lost Celtic Gold Mines of Arizona – Evan Hansen
  • New Tomb Discovery in Southern Illinois – Wayne May
  • Report of 1998 Ancient American Conference – Wayne May
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Book Review: Ancient Micronesia and the City of Nan Madol – Kenneth Caroli
  • Feds Rebury Archaeological Evidence – ACPAC Newsletter