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Volume 9, Issue 55: Prehistoric Ruins of the Southwest


  • Smiling Stone Faces of Michigan and Wisconsin – Daniel J. Woo
  • Visiting Ohio’s Serpent Sculpture – Linda Mayer-Matz
  • They Too, Came in Ships! – Gene D. Matlock
  • Prehistoric Ruins of the Southwest – Professor U. Francis Duff
  • Germany’s Bronze Age Disc – Dr. R.M. de Jonge and J. S. Wakefield
  • Michigan’s Relics Come Home – John R. Halsey, Ph.D.
  • Michigan’s Artifacts Fakes or History? – David A. Deal
  • Mystery Stones Yield Their First Translations – James R. Harris, Ph.D
  • Emerging Lemuria, Lost Civilization of the Pacific – Frank Joseph
  • Washington State’s Ancient “Sky-Stone – Teresa Herrima “
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Southold Indian Museum News
  • Book Review: Archaeological Anomalies – by William R. Corliss
  • Book Review: Re-Creating the Word – by Barbara L. Moulard