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Volume 22, Issue 120: Human Sacrifice In Aztec Capital


  • Ancient Fortresses of the Ohio Valley, Part 17
Busy Intersections – Rick Osmon
  • Hudson Bay routes to Michigan Copper – Jay Wakefield
  • Liverpool Mounds in Fulton County, Illinois – Jason Jarrell & Sara Farmer
  • Echoes of Cosmic Catastrophe: Tagua-Tagua Extinction – Rafael Videla Eissmann
  • Massive Human Sacrifice in Aztec Capital. – Elizabeth Sandler
  • Earliest use of Tobacco in U.S.
  • Out of Place Artifact Impressions in the Midwest
  • Mysterious 1,700 year old Mexican Grave
  • Windover Bog Bodies_European??
  • The Macintosh Stone: New Discoveries
  • Questioning Hidden Mountain
  • Examing the MacIntosh Stone
  • Prehistoric Battlefield found in Indian Territory