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Volume 10, Issue 65: The Ohio Decalogue Stone


  • The Ohio Decalogue – David A. Deal
  • Ancient Colorado Rock Art Predates Anasazi – Carl Lehrburger
  • Ancient American Responds to Michigan Tablet Testing – Wayne May
  • Pre-Americas: A Brief Overview – David Hoffman
  • Oklahoma’s Greatest Mound – Larry and Christopher Merriam
  • New Mexico’s Mystery Rock – Lydia Rome
  • Exploring the Maya and Moche Worlds: The Peabody Museum, 
Harvard University exhibit opens
  • Michigan’s Prehistoric copper Country Host AmericanConference – Frank Joseph
  • ACPAC: Kennewick Man
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Book Review: The Americas That Might Have Been – University of Alabama Press
  • A Revealing Correction: Prehistoric Michigan’s “Token”
  • Came from India – Frank Joseph
  • Book Review: The Kolbrin
  • Glenn Kimball Special Edition: Your Own World Books