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Volume 10, Issue 66: Bimini Road: New Evidence for a Submerged Ancient Seaport


  • Pilgrimage to New Mexico’s Mystery Mountain – Samuel Oshmier
  • Calalus, A Roman Era City in Arizona – .James P. Grimes
  • Part II: Pathfinder Petroglyphs and Possible Associations with Native American Mythology – Carl Lehrburger
  • Ghostly Flame Reveals an Ancient Treasure – David Cain
  • According to the Maya Calendar, What will Happen in
2012? – Richard B. Graeber
  • The Ohio Rock: A Sun Dial Mould? – William Smith & Wayne May
  • Proof: The Bimini Road is an Ancient Ruin – William Donato, M.A.
  • Ancient Oil Lamp Discovered – Steve Shaffer
  • ACPAC: News From Abroad and Yucatan
  • Ancient American Artifact Preservation Foundation
  • Scientists Discover the Kensington Rune Stone’s “Smoking Gun”
  • Exploring the Maya and Moche Worlds: The Peabody Museum, Harvard University exhibit opens
  • New Book Release: Discovering the Mysteries of Ancient America
  • Book Review:  Under Ground! – Frank Joseph
  • The Sistine Chapel of Misoamerica Uncovered in Guatamala
  • Conventional Scholars Go Into Shock Over Mexican Footprints
  • DVD Review: The American Bimini Harbor – Frank Joseph
  • New Book Release: The Orion Zone